It doesn’t matter what you might be dreaming of.
If any part of you longs to make and do really cool things in this world — write, paint, cook, dance, sing, speak, produce, code, act, bake, or just bedazzle your toothbrush…
this post is an absolute must read.
Recently, I’ve read a book “Big Magic: Creative living beyond fear”. This book resonated with me on so many levels, particularly because it is filled to bursting with lessons that can be applied to the worlds of blogging, graphic design and photography. I realised why I should keep doing what I’m doing (thank you for this awesome book Elizabeth Gilbert!) and you should do it too.
I have always loved art. I have always loved creating something beautiful. And so I did. I started with the art of drawing, painting and pottery. Later on, I became interested in the art of graphic design and the art of photography. So when I moved abroad to work in Maldives in 2014, I ended up with a huge amount of photos and I got an idea – create my own blog.
At the beginning, it was meant just for my friends and family to keep them updated and show them my life abroad. At that time, I didn’t know much about blogging and its world. As I was getting more familiar with blogging and its possibilities I started to realise how the world of blogging is vast, how competitive it is and how many people had the same idea as I did. I got afraid. Afraid that my work would not be good enough. Afraid that so many people are already doing it. Afraid that somebody else is already did it better. Afraid that everybody else already did it better.
Maybe you too fear that you are not original enough, that your ideas are commonplace and therefore unworthy of creation. You might think that your idea has been already done. As Elizabeth mentioned in her book
Yes, most things have been already done, BUT they have not been done by YOU!! So what if we circle around the same ideas again and again? Once you put your own feelings, expression and your passion in it, that idea becomes YOURS!
And so I squashed the fear I had within and continued with my blog.
By the end of 2015 I got into a small and short depression. I began to look at my work as work I did for others, as work to get more followers and bigger numbers. I saw all those bloggers having thousands of followers, thousands likes and I felt like I wanted to be one of them.
One day I woke up, checked Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and found myself feeling miserable. So I said to myself “This has to STOP! You didn’t start all this because of numbers! You started it because of your passion to create beautiful things, because it brings you joy and happiness, because it brings you to life!” Since then, I’m not doing for others. I do it, because it helps me to meditate and enjoy my life more. It allows me to take my creative mind out of myself into this magical world of beauty and imagination. If it helps you, motivates you or if it makes your day better in any way, I’m glad it does this, but in the end of the day, I do what I do because I love doing it.
If your dream is to be famous and successful, remember to love what you are doing, because the more you love what you are doing, the more successful it will be for you. I learned this lesson last year. When I was doing it for my pure pleasure, it got quite a lot of attention and when I began to concentrate on the numbers, followers and others the attention was gone.
So stop worrying about what others think, about numbers, about followers and start enjoying whatever you are creating. And if you want to do it for other people, think of it in a way of making jewellery for other people’s minds.
Do whatever brings you to life. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.
So I keep blogging, drawing, painting and photo-shooting. You don’t need permission to live a creative life, but if you do – there, you got it from me. Now go make something beautiful, go make this world more beautiful.
I loved reading this! I might just have to check out that book!
Definitely! It is worth reading 🙂
Thank you for this. Lately, I have been overly concerned with my numbers and need to reignite my passion.
Welcome 🙂 It is nice to realise that you started it because you enjoy it 🙂 and not because of others 🙂
I loved Big Magic!! One of the most inspiring books I’ve read 🙂
Do you have any recommendation for another inspiring book I can read? 🙂
Skvělý článek 🙂 Myslím, že v dnešním světě blogování je hodně těžké se zaměřit na to, abychom se nenechali ovlivnit ostatními a jejich názory, především když se někomu naše tvorba nelíbí a díky anonymitě internetu nám to může dát pěkně hnusně najevo. Jenže nikdy se nemůže něco líbit všem, a tak to, co je opravdu důležité, je naše potěšení z práce, kterou děláme. A pokud jsme s výsledkem spokojeni, můžeme na sebe být hrdí a mít radost bezohledu na počet lajků :))
Moc děkuji Domi! Je to těžké se nezaměřovat na ostatní, přeci jen to šíříme do světa nekonečného internetu, ale dá se to alespoň trochu ignorovat a zaměřit se spíše na sebe 🙂 Prošla si si taky nějakou menší depresí ze světa blogování jako já? 🙂
To ani tak ne, ale jako perfekcionistka hodnotím sama sebe docela přísně a tak si nikdy nejsem tím, co na blog dám, 100% jistá a čekám na hodnocení ostatních, příčemž ty negativní reakce bych si brala mnohem osobněji. A to není úplně dobře 🙂
taky přemýšlím, co na blog dát či ne, ale stejně se rozhodnu nakonec podle toho, co se mě osobně líbí 🙂 teda krom slíbených recenzí…ty psát musím 😀
krásný a inspirativní, děkuju :))
moc děkuji 🙂 jsem ráda, že to inspirovalo dál 🙂
Lovely honest post Jana, and so inspiring. I love reading posts like these, straight from your heart. Big hugs xxxx
Thanks darling! It is hard to write these heart articles….there are very rare 🙂